Alex Kocman a husband, father, student of theology, writer, former youth pastor, missionary mobilizer, and lay leader in his church.

He received his M.A. in Media and Communication Studies and B.S. in Biblical Studies through Liberty University, where he also served as an online evangelism and apologetics instructor with Liberty University Online from 2012-2014. From there, he spent two years as a Student Ministry Coordinator at LCBC (Lives Changed By Christ) Church. He now serves as Director of Advancement and Communications for ABWE, a theologically conservative, gospel-centered missions agency with more than 1,000 missionaries in nearly 70 countries.

His writing has been featured in various outlets including For the Church, 9Marks, Biblical Missiology, Founders Ministries, Doctrine and Devotion, Message Magazine and ABWE’s blog, Liberty University News, American Bible Society’s Record Magazine, and Christian Life News.

He resides with his wife and three children in York, Pennsylvania, where he spends his free time studying theology, weightlifting, and nursing a heavy coffee addiction. He adheres to the 1689 London Baptist Confession and is a member in good standing Faith Bible Fellowship Church, where he leads the missions committee and serves as director of worship.

Follow Alex on Twitter and listen to Alex and Scott Dunford every Sunday night on The Missions Podcast.